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Frugal, Free & More than Fun

We've had a very busy week. We just completed 6 full evenings of Vacation Bible School! While I am not a big religion pusher, I felt strongly to spread the word about this great program for kids. My children, ages 4, 5, & 7 absolutely loved the week full of fun and learning. While not all churches do the same program, many do. Our theme this year was Studio Go Game Show. The evenings were filled with games, singing, crafts, fun snacks and religious education in a super fun way. Each family received a CD of the music that was used during the week plus brought home many crafts and goodies each evening. The CD is phenominal and my kids loved the music and movements - even my shy guys! We are still listening to last year's music and will add this to our favorites!

My kids, especially my 7-year-old, would give this program an A+++! In fact, my daughter is already talking about next year! If your children have not attended Bible School, by all means get them in a program, especially one that has this theme. It is an EXCELLENT program with an important message, as well as FREE & FUN!

GO HERE to get a introduction to this program!

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Sarah said...

Thanks for the neat video, you are a blessing to me and my family!
God Bless,

Time4mom2 said...

The softsoap coupon excludes the "elements" line. These are what is .89 this week at RA, so this coupon should not be used


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