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Giveaway: Honey Kix Cereal Prize Pack

I have a great new giveaway that one lucky winner will get to enjoy! It's a Honey Kix Cereal Prize Pack that contains lots of goodies compliments of General Mills and My Blog Spark! One winner will receive a coupon for a FREE box of Honey Kix Cereal, a honey jar, a set of colorful cereal bowls, a container to take your cereal and milk on-the-go, and a great container to keep cereal fresh at home.

My family received all of these items and gave rave reviews. The cereal was loved by all and I especially liked that it is a good source of fiber, calcium and vitamin D, contains 16 grams of whole grain per serving (at least 48 grams recommended daily) and has no artificial flavors or preservatives.

Besides the cereal, my kids really like the on-the-go container. The bottom portion for the milk is a frozen cup. The top container which holds the cereal has a built-in folding spoon, which my son thought was really awesome! With two kids off to school this year and healthy, packed lunches a priority, we plan to use the container in lunch boxes filled with Honey Kix and milk!

Would you like to win this great prize pack? Entering to win is easy. Just leave a comment below, letting me know how you keep your morning routine simple. What do you do to save time and keep your morning flowing?

For additional entries, you can:
  • Link my giveaway to your blog or tweet about my giveaway, leave a link the comments
  • Subscribe to my blog via email on my right sidebar, leave a comment telling me you subscribed
  • Grab my NEW blog button and add it to your site, leave a comment telling me you've done so with a link to your site
  • Follow me on Twitter or Facebook, then leave a comment telling me you've done so

Make sure to come back and leave a seperate comment for each entry with your email address or link so that I can contact you if you are my winner! Good luck!

Giveaway: Honey Kix Cereal Prize PackSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


A Day In The Life said...

I keep it simple, by pcking my breakfast and lunch for the entire week on Mondays. I only have to think about it one.



A Day In The Life said...

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A Day In The Life said...

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Suzanne Earl said...

WE keep morning going smoothly by setting the table for breakfast (bowls and spoons and cereal boxes) the night before so in the morning they just need to get the milk out and we are ready to eat!

Judy said...

My morning routine had been really simple lately because of all the Eggo Bakeshop items I stocked up on last week!
During the school year we lay out clothes the night before so we don't have that hassle in the morning and my husband's coffee is prepared the night before so all he has to do is press a button in the morning!

John and Alisha Stults said...

I keep it simple by trying to be prepared the night before. And my husband is a great help in the mornings.

John and Alisha Stults said...

Hi. I just subscribed.

John and Alisha Stults said...

I grabbed your button and added it to my blog.

Marcie said...

Usually our mornings aren't very hectic during the summer. When school starts, we make sure we have our clothes and everything laid out for the next day.


Marcie said...

I'm a new subscriber to your blog.


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michellerblack@hotmail.com said...

I may sound like a little kid, but I lay my clothes out the night before so I know exactly what I'm wearing and what accessories go with it!

Anonymous said...

Well we are always in a hurry, so we have breakfast in the car, either nutra grain bars, poptarts, gogurt, something like that. I don't have much time for anything else. Cereal we have on weekends :-)

Jenn said...

during the school year i pack the kids lunches the night before. it makes the morning so much better for me.

jvanchiere (at) yahoo (dot) com

Jenn said...

i subscribe via google reader

thanks for the giveaway

jvanchiere (at) yahoo (dot) com

Alicia said...

I keep it simple by having the kids' backpacks all packed the night before.

Alicia said...

I subscribed to your blog.


Jenna Z said...

Mmmm, honey kix! I like to set out my workout clothes and my allday clothes the night before so that I save a TON of time deciding what to wear.

Ms. Hoag said...

I'm at teacher which means early mornings, clothes are laid out and lunches are packed and ready the night before, and breakfast in the morning is always cereal-something I always stockpile!


Ms. Hoag said...

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Ms. Hoag said...

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Unknown said...

I like to keep it real simple, since I'm out of the house by 6am. I like to eat fruit in the mornings along with a cup of coffee.

I'm subscribe to your blog and through Google Reader


$uper $avin' Momma said...

I keep my morning very simple and save a lot of time by preparing things to go the night before.

$uper $avin' Momma said...

I subscribed to your blog.

$uper $avin' Momma said...

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$uper $avin' Momma said...

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Astad said...

Breakfast is a good old bowl of cereal and ice cold milk

Brandette said...

We keep things simple by making healthy lunches the night before, then just grabbing our bags in the morning. I also make homemade snacks for us to just grab on the way out.

Larena said...

I subscribe using google reader.

Larena said...

We have cold cereal and toast since everyone gets up at different times. If we have to be somewhere early I will lay out our clothes the night before.

maria said...

I leave everything prepared the night before. All clothes get layed out, all school suppliea are by the door and breakfast gets picked at night too!

maria13always at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I keep it simple by deciding whats for breakfast the night before.

Jenny said...

I keep it simple by always having fresh fruit, yogurt and granola on hand. It takes two seconds to throw a quick bowl of all three together and helps me make it til lunchtime!

jrpatters at gmail

Jenny said...

Added your button!


jrpatters at gmail

Jenny said...

I blogged about your giveaway! :)


jrpatters at gmail

Jenny said...

I'm a subscriber! :)

jrpatters at gmail

Jennifer said...

Keeping breakfast simple and easy; pop tarts, cereal, mini pancakes, bananas helps our morning flow the best. Saturday and Sundays are more elaborate breakfast days.

Anonymous said...

We do a lot of cereal so it is easy.

katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

During the school year I found that school drop off can be done in PJs. Since I don't have to get ready things are more relaxed. It allows me to have coffee and talk with my son while he eats his breakfast.

Jenn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenn said...

great giveaway! To keep some of my mornings easy, I make a big batch of my 2-year-old's favorite breakfast item, hotcakes, on Monday and refrigerate them until they're needed later in the week. When I microwave one or two for her they're as good as fresh!

Deborah said...

We keep our morning routine simple by preparing the night before - laying out clothes, setting the breakfast table, bags + whatever by the door, checking that everything that needs doing (signed papers? buttons missing?) is done. asthenight at gmail dot com

Judy said...

I keep it simple by getting everything ready the night before.

Judy said...


Anonymous said...

I keep my mornings simple by preparing everything the night before and only offering 2 breakfast choices.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your blog.

cpullum said...

I get up an hour before my kids do so I can get ready and make breakfast so I have all of that out of the way! Makes my morning so much easier!

Anonymous said...

i make and freeze pancakes, waffles, french toast to pop in toaster and brkfst burritos (90 sec in microwave)--twice weekly in the evenings, i cook the bacon and sausage and refrigerate. I pour juice and milk the night before...while kids are getting beverages, i make a full breakfast in 90 seconds!

JBF said...

i make and freeze pancakes, waffles, french toast to pop in toaster and brkfst burritos (90 sec in microwave)--twice weekly in the evenings, i cook the bacon and sausage and refrigerate. I pour juice and milk the night before...while kids are getting beverages, i make a full breakfast in 90 seconds!

LeandraCat said...

I get up really early to drive to the gym, so I pack everything the night before. I also set my coffee maker on AUTO, so I have fresh coffee brewing while I get ready

AudreyGolightly said...

I keep mornings simple by doing as much as possible the night before. With a 16 month old, the mornings can be very unpredictable. I have all of our breakfasts, lunches, and clothes set up. Another thing that makes it easier is getting up very early, the more time we have in the morning, the better.

cheflikes said...

We keep our cereals on a shelf that the kids can reach. We keep our plastic bowls in the bottom drawer. My kids can get up, turn on cartoons, and poor their own cereal. Nice!

cheflikes said...

I subscribe to your blog!

Tracy said...

Well to be honest my mornings are total chaos. I do have good intentions this school year to try to do more preparations the night before. I stocked up on bakeshop items and cereal this summer so hopefully breakfasts will be easier for my children and myself. :)


Unknown said...

I eat yogurt and fiber one cereal almost everyday for breakfast.

Anonymous said...

A few years ago I was watching "Kids by the Dozen" and gained a few tips from their large family. One tip that has stuck with me over the last year is to dress our little ones in comfy clothes,rather than jammies, to go to bed. When they get up, they are ready to go. If we have an important event for the day we go to bed in jammies and get dressed. 4-5 days a week we keep it simple with clothes on to bed!


It's the wife said...

I pack lunches the night before. We also plan a week's worth of clothes on Sunday and hang them in the closet in order so getting dressed doesn't require any thought in the morning. We put post-it notes on the back door for things we don't want to forget to take on the way out the door.

Sounds like a great give away!


It's the wife said...

I subscribe via google reader.


Unknown said...

We always get our clothes laid out the night before. I also get my husband's lunches ready for him the night before. Easy to grab and go!

Unknown said...

I'm following you on twitter!


Kelly S said...

Kelly said:

I have 2 kids and I work full time. So, on Sunday night I set out all of our clothes for the week. I get all of my kids clothes in 5 separate piles (one for each day). Then, when they get up in the morning, they get to "pick" their outfit for the day. They are old enough they can put their own clothes on by themselves...that leaves one less step for me.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I let my daughter sleep in her soft play clothes for the next day so no changing into clothes in the morning. I subscribed to your blog

Michele P. said...

to save time I like to pick out the clothes and get lunch ready the night before, it helps out alot.

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Michele P. said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/micaela6955/status/3112900859

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Michele P. said...

now following you on twitter @micaela6955

Theresa said...

just found your blog...I keep it simple by placing everything out the night before..otherwise mornings are crazy..

Anonymous said...

My morning is simple if I get to sleep late, I am better at PM time. Sometimes make a list night before and when I can finish cup of coffee and begin having feeling in my body, I go, go , go. Oh yes and most important thank God for another day to honor him.

Ronna said...

I'm a livine in grandma with 2 in school and 2 still at home. We definately try and keep th little ones still asleep. Having clothes ready and book bags ready to go, makes it easy for a quick bowl of cereal and out the door.

Anonymous said...

I pack my son's lunch the night before and lay out clothes so in the morning he can get dressed quickly.

Anonymous said...

To make the morning a little less hectic, we really try to pack up backpacks and lunches the night before. Our school has uniforms which are a real timesaver!

Kesler Crew said...

We keep it as simple as we can, it's tough some days with our 19 month old triplets! I always pack my husband's lunch the night before and I try to plan my menus out each week on Sunday so that I already have in my mind what I'm going to be cooking each day.

This is a great giveaway. I hope we win!

Chrys said...

We keep our mornings simple by preparing the night before. My husband leaves early in the morning for work so we get his clothes coffee and lunch together the night before. When we have leftovers after dinner, I just put them in lunch sized containers. I put one in his lunchbox and the rest in the freezer for later. For my kids, I always keep baggies of cereal ready to go so they are already the perfect serving size and if we end up going out, they are perfect to grab and they can eat the cereal dry. Makes a yummy breakfast or snack.


Anna said...

I subscribed to your blog, my son who is 13 months old loves cearel for breakfast and as snacks all day long !
thanks anna

kl said...

To help me get through a week, every Sunday I plan the week. Kids' outfits are placed in a 5-shelf cubby; dinners are organized, and breakfast foods are placed on low-shelves in pantry and fridge (kids' easily get breakfast themselves).

JBF said...

i subscribe to this blog...and i love it. keep up the good work.

Tracey said...

I make sure I set the coffee pot on auto the night before and set the table with the stuff we will need next morning. And if I will be cooking, I make sure I get out all my pans, bowls, etc so I can practically do it half asleep!

smiling_mama said...

I keep it simple by making sure that my son's alarm clock is set and he is really good at getting up by it. If it is me trying to wake him up that is a different story.


smiling_mama said...

I am an e-mail subscriber!!


smiling_mama said...

I have your new button on my blog



Anonymous said...

I have never won anything from you.
I would love to have this.
Jo Ann


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