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Crayola Creativity Prize Pack Giveaway

This has to be one of my favorite giveaways! We always have arts and crafts supplies around our house but crisp new crayons and markers, plus new products to try out has brought some excitement to our hot summer days! I am happy to be able to give away another Creativity Pack compliments of Crayola and My Blog Spark! This pack includes everything pictured:

24 pack of Crayons
Crayola Colored Pencils
10 Crayola Markers
Color Explosion Paper with Markers
Tadoodles Washable Crayon Buddies
Pip Squeaks Colored Pencils with Pencil Sharpener
Pip Squeaks Glitter Glue
Crayola Window Crayons
Crayola Color Switchers Markers
To enter this giveaway, just leave me a comment telling me what your favorite back-to-school memory is from your childhood! **Leave me your email address or link so I can contact you if you are the winner. And of course, you can get extra entries if you:
  • Add my blog button to your blog, or if you already have it -- just leave comment with a linky,
  • Create a blog post about this giveaway--leave me a comment telling me you've done so with a link
  • Subscribe to my blog and leave me a comment letting me know you've subscribed. Leave me your email address, so I can contact you if you are the winner!

This giveaway will end on Friday, August 14th!

Be sure to join the Crayola Creativitycast on Tuesday night on Twitter for your chance to win more cool prizes from Crayola. You can RSVP for the party by clicking on the RSVP post on MomItForward.com. On Tuesday night, tweet using the hashtag #crayolagno and chat away with other moms about all things back-to-school!

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Amber said...

I have always been a school supply nerd - it was like Christmas when my mom brought home bags and bags of school supplies and we got to pick out what we wanted.

My sons will LOVE this Crayola Set *fingers crossed*

Amber said...

I am now subscribed to your feeds.

Judy said...

Ohhhh...you're right...new craft stuff is so much fun! I have a preschool who could go to town with that stuff.
My favorite thing about going back to school was always unpacking my backpack filled with new supplies into my desk that my teacher had already labeled with my name. I loved getting organized in my seat on the first day and loved finding out who I would sit next to :)

Linda said...

I love the new, freshness of new school years. I used to be a teacher and the eagerness still draws me! I love crayola! lovemylittlefamily at yahoo dot com

Linda said...

I subscribe!

Rachel said...

My favorite memory is when my Grandma came to buy us back-to-school outfits. We got to pic out whatever we wanted with reckless abandon. That was never something we could have afforded. That year I started out school with cool outfits. I felt pretty sharp!

KellyH said...

My favorite memory is seeing my friends, that lived out in the country, after not seeing them much during the summer.


Gluten Free Gal said...

My favorite memory is the first day back to school and all the anticipation and excitement. I rode the bus and it was just a sense of renewal walking to the bus and walking back into school on that first day. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Gluten Free Gal said...

I subscribe to your feeds.

Jessica @ Pudget: Losing Weight On A Budget said...

My favorite memory is when my Mom would take me and my sisters shopping for our new clothes ands shoes for the begining of school.

Jessica @ Pudget: Losing Weight On A Budget said...

I'm a subscriber

Kristin K. said...

My favorite back go school memory is my grandma making home made bread for her grand kids on their first day of school. She only made it once a year, so it was such a treat! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kristin K. said...

I am also subscribed!

momma-lana said...

This would be fun to have when my grandson comes to visit.

Anonymous said...

I gratefully subscribe via Google Feedburner!

Your site is constantly updated with the best deals. Thanks for the giveaway, as my daughters love making stuff!

Marcie said...

This isn't exactly a "favorite" back to school memory but I remember when I started Kindergarten my mom had to put me in a line so we could march off to our classroom. I cried the whole time because I didn't want to leave her!


Marcie said...

I have your button on my blog!


Marcie said...

I'm already a subscriber to your blog! I read it daily!


It's the wife said...

I always loved the shopping for new clothes, shoes and school supplies.


It's the wife said...

I subscribe via google reader


Marcie said...

I left a post about your Crayola giveaway on my blog.



Meghan said...

There is just something so exciting about going back to school shopping... the new paper just waiting to be written on, the crisp colorful folders, the perfectly sharpened colored pencils, and of course, the new clothes! I used to love to go back to school shopping with my mom- it never failed to get my excited about the new school year!

Kesler Crew said...

I guess I've always been an organized person...training for my life now, I'm sure! I have vivid memories of getting my desk and "pencil box" organized just right on the first day of school. What a great giveaway - I hope we win!

A Day In The Life said...

My favorite memory is my mom taking my picture the first day. I now do the same.



cpullum said...

It was kindergarten when I took the school bus home! I was so excited! My mom spent an hour looking for me and the bus driver kept saying where do you live? I lived a block from the school and was considered a walker. The bus didn't go in my neighborhood since it took me less than 5 mintues to get home. I just wanted to ride the school bus! My mom still tells everyone the story!

Jenn said...

My favorite back to school memories are school shopping with my mom, trying on my new clothes and deciding what to wear the first day.

jvanchiere (at) yahoo (dot) com

Jenn said...

i subscribe via google reader

jvanchiere (at) yahoo (dot) com

Becky said...

My favorite thing to do was get everything ready the night before. New clothes, new bag, all the supplies. It also seemed like the only day of the year that I woke up on time was the first day! Thank you!

Lisa said...

I know that this wouldn't be my "favorite" first day of school memory, but definitely the most memorable. Here I was on my first day of 5th grade, with my new outfit, new coat, and new backpack. I had just gotten up to give something to the teacher. I had my coat hanging on the back of my desk chair. The boy sitting behind me threw up and my coat was covered. The entire class was "ewwing", I turned around to the scene and was devastated! I had my backpack hanging on the back of my chair as well, but had just taken it off to get a pen out and had left it laying on the floor near the front of my desk. I refused to take my coat home. The teacher even offered to take it home and he would get his wife to wash it and bring it back. That wouldn't do either. My mom took me back out and we got a new one that evening.


BargainFun said...

I loved getting a new lunch box

BargainFun said...

I subscribe

Anonymous said...

I was starting the 1st grade and my big sister who is 12 years older than me bought me a Straberry Shortcake metal lunch box. I was so thrilled. It had the thermos and everything. I miss that lunch box. 28 years later!


Jenn said...

WOW, this is a great giveaway. I'm not sure if I would enjoy it more than the kids though :)

My email is jrosencr@gmail.com

Roberta said...

my favorite thing about going back 2 school as a child was the lil notes of encouragement that my Mom would place in my lunchbox!!! she only did this the first week or so, but boy it got me through with a smile..... birdson@roadrunner.com

Roberta said...

Im a subscriber of yours thanks....birdson@roadrunner.com

Tawna said...

I was just talking about going back to school with my Mom and sisters and we all loved going school shopping together and then laying out our outfits for the first day. Oh, if we could only go shopping now! tawna21(@)hotmail(DOT)com

Tawna said...

I am a subscriber. tawna21(@)hotmail(DOT)com

Vicki H. said...

Mine is my 2nd grade teacher. i don't remember her name, but i'll never forget how beautiful i thought she was. She looked like my Barbie - literally, with big blue eyes, long flowing blonde hair and always a smile on her face (how i loved her!). Anyway, one day i was stunned to run into her when my family took me to Kmart -- teachers shop?!? And they don't live at the schoo, and eat the same food i do? They can wear blue jeans? :)

But to this day (28 years later), i can remember her beauty and i still love her. She's probably in her mid-50's now.

hvnhlpme at windstream dot net

Unknown said...

I always loved getting my new school supplies! Pencils, notebooks, I loved it all!

I am already subscribed!

Thank you!


Larena said...

I subscribe with google reader.

Larena said...

I liked all the new supplies. It felt like I was having a brand new start.

April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

My favorite back-to-school memory besides the back-to-school shopping, was getting to see who all was in my classes that year. It was always fun getting new people to know throughout the year!


April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

I'm subscribed to your blog! :)


Sara said...

Since I went to catholic school and there was no new school clothes to look for, we really loved showing our indivuality thru our school supplies. It wasn't always easy with 5 girls for my parens and paying for private school. So we didn't always get the newest styles, but I remember one year (sophmore year) that my parents got me a Jansport backpack. I still have that backpack today and still use it...15 years later. So that is definitely my favorite memory.

Thanks for the cool giveaway!

Dawn S said...

I used to love to shop for school supplies and school clothes when I was growing up! The hustle and bustle in the stores - it was so exciting! Right up until the bus pulled up and then I would get butterflies in my stomach!
Dawn S

Dawn S said...

I couldn't see where I could subscribe to a RSS feed, but I'm already a subscriber for your newsletter and love it!
Dawn S

Couponing in Central Florida! said...

My fave memory is riding the bus for the first time! I was so excited and felt so "grown up"


Couponing in Central Florida! said...

I subscribe to your email updates!!


Anonymous said...

My favorite back to school memory would have to be picking out all my supplies and getting them all ready for the first day, right down to picking out that special first day outfit.

Happy Mom Of 5

silverhartgirl said...

I loved going to get back to school clothes with my mom

ethel said...

My favorite back to school memory when I was a child was shopping for back to school supplies and new clothes!

luvtosave at gmail.com

ethel said...

have your button at luvtosave.blogspot.com

luvtosave at gmail.com

Blair-Erynn said...

My favorite back-to-school memory would have to be going shopping for school supplies & clothes. I always loved coming home after shopping and organizing all the supplies in my book bag and doing a little fashion show for my family!

I also posted your button on my blog... blair-erynnisfrugal.blogspot.com.

Love your blog! =]

Blair-Erynn said...

I also subscribed to your feed =]


Jen said...

I am new to your blog and am enjoying all of it! I would love to win this giveaway! My kids would all be thrilled to get creative with these supplies...

Jenna said...

I subscribe!


donslissa said...

I loved (and wish I still had) my white vinyl Donnie and Marie Osmond lunch box. I was the coolest first grader ever!! :)

FYI, the plastic thermos made my milk taste funny. :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about going back to school was always choosing what to wear for the first day!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe - and love it!

CKMomma said...

I taught for several years before I had children. Then the month I was due with my daughter, August, I found myself standing, very pregnant, in the school supply aisle weeping. I sniffed every package of post-its! Yes, I longed for the school supplies! This week my daugher who I was pregnant with at that time starts preschool...I am taking her school shopping this week! I cannot wait. I know this will trump any childhood memory of mine! Long live back to school shopping!

CKMomma said...

I am now subscribed!

Kira said...

When I was in Kindergarten my family lived in Hawaii and my dad worked in a lab on a small private island just off Oahu. He used to take me to school and pick me up every day by a little motor boat, then by bike. I loved it and even though I don't remember a lot of my childhood, I don't think I could ever forget that.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the smell of pencils - real wooden ones!

Anonymous said...

I just subscribed to your newsletter, thanks! My email is sherri.kramer@att.net

Anonymous said...

I have to say that it was getting to buy the big box of 64 crayola crayons with the sharpener in the back...that was joy at its best.

Anonymous said...

I am now subscribed as well!

Anonymous said...

I have placed your button on my blog!


my email is: lowerpaxton (at) gmail (dot) com


cheflikes said...

My favorite childhood memory of back-to-school was the "back to school night". When I could go the classroom and meet my teacher.

cheflikes said...

I'm a subscriber! likes2bchef(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

School shopping is the best. I loved to buy all the new supplies, and actually get a whole bunch of new clothes at once was always fun.


Spring B said...

I'm a subscriber! I love nothing more than fresh new crayons and back to school supplies! LOVE THEM! BTW, I just recently found your blog and find it to be amazing!

Melanie Kyle said...

I remember going to the store to pick out my trapper keeper. Man those were really cool!!!

CrystalGB said...

I remember how exciting it was going shopping for shoes, clothes and school supplies.


Anonymous said...

my favorite memory is getting permission to go to kindergarten 1 year early. They let me do this because I kept crossing the street to go to school.
deefna at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

i subscribe via email
deefna at gmail dot com

Dara said...

My favorite back to school memory is getting the list of things I needed for school... I loved shopping for school supplies... I was such a geek! haha


Judy said...

I always liked the smell of a new box of crayons.

smiling_mama said...

I have your button on my blog role!


smiling_mama said...

I just created a blog post about this big giveaway. Please check it out here: http://smilingmamaof2.blogspot.com/2009/08/money-saving-madnesscom-crayola.html

Anonymous said...

I loved going to Kmart to pick out a new trapper keeper, pencil box, etc. Plus I had an "allowance" to use for clothes...even then I was always looking for a bargain! Lee Anne - summitbelle@myfairpoint.net

jamie said...

my favorite back to school memory is playing tag with all of my neighborhood friends at the bus stop until the bus arrived.

$uper $avin' Momma said...

My favorite memories about school were when it was time to get back to school shopping and get my school supplies all ready! That always made me excited to start school!

$uper $avin' Momma said...

I've got your button on my blog:


Unknown said...

I would love to win.

My favorite memory was getting all new school supplies each year. I also remember standing in the lines getting all the deals. LOL!!

Unknown said...

I am posting about this giveaway on my blog Crazy with the Crawfords.


Unknown said...

I am also joining as a follower

Cortney said...

I've subscribed to your blog! :)


Liz Taylor said...

I have been subscribed and read your blog daily. Thanks for great giveaways!

Liz at internal_chaos2003@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

This would be perfect; I homeschool a kindergartener and a preschooler :)
My favorite childhood memory was getting so many new things which made starting school a lot of fun!
email- anita.mosca@gmail.com

Astad said...

My favorite memory was seeing all my friends on a daily basis again.

Wende said...

This would be a wonderful blessing to our fmaily and home school year!

Shawn said...

Back to school was always my favorite time of year! I LOVED going school clothes shopping! I would lay my outfit for the first day out a week in advance! It was always a rule at our house that NOTHING could be worn until that first day! It was so exciting to put on new clothes, shoes, ect. I am a teacher now and still feel that way when I buy clothes for school! THanks for the great give-away!


Shawn said...

I subscribe!


Shawn said...

Updated your button on my blog ;O)

Pam said...

My favorite memory of going back to school was the anticipation of the new teacher! I couldn't wait to meet them! and see who was in my class!

This a great give-away!



Charlene said...

My favorite back to school memory when I was a child was the brand new, bright and shiney supplies we got to pick out. I loved a brand new clean fresh spiral notebook to use for school (still do!!). :)

We'd love to get this Creativity pack for our homeschooling.

Also, I just subbed to your blog.
Thank you!
at cox dot net

Mary said...

My favorite back to school memory was shopping for the outfit I'd wear on my first day.

mfalcon13 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I loved the new school supplies when I started back to school as a child. Hope I win- it would be just like being a kid again LOL. No really my kids would be so excited with this gift pack
beckster61 at yahoo dot com

The Bragging Mommy said...

I always loved back to school shopping. I would lay all my new clothes out and plan my outfits for the first week of school! Thanks for a great giveaway!



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