Is it unnofficially summer? I think so! We are experiencing some gorgeous summer weather and enjoying it!
We are knee deep in construction in the kitchen for the entire week. I will be making some easy meals and preparing much the night before.
Tonight's meal is totally made up of leftovers from my son's birthday party on Sunday. It will be quick and easy!
Grilled Chicken
Pasta Salad
Baked Beans
Fruit Salad
What are your dinner plans?
It's definately summer here! I just came in from watering my 103 containers at 9 AM and I am sitting in front of a fan to cool off! Unfortunately there is no end in sight to the 95 degree weather here :(
Chicken and noodles
sauteed sunmmer squash and sweet onions
corn muffins
My husband has been bugging me to make meatloaf despite the fact that I could probably cook it on the sidewalk. : ( What a waste of air conditioning to run the stove.
Instant potatoes
Bread w/butter
I have to say I noticed that food has been wasted in my house. So I made a specific meal plan for the week and I will try not to forget my coupons at home anymore. But tonight will be Chicken on the grill with quinoa.
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