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Giveaway: Seventh Generation Back-to-School Pack

Is your child picking up more than the ABC´s in school? While you´re packing your child´s backpack with the pencils, notebooks and tools they´ll need for a great school year, don´t forget the supplies they´ll need to stay healthy and germ-free, too!

As a teacher myself, having taught in a school where cleaning supplies were not provided or paid for, I always send in disinfecting cleaners to my kids' teachers.  Sixty percent of teachers surveyed said that they request that parents donate disinfecting wipes to the classroom. Seventh Generation´s disinfecting wipes kill 99.99% of germs* naturally using the active ingredient thyme, a component of thyme oil which is derived from the herb thyme.

I was lucky enough to receive one of these great packs to try out from Seventh Generation and My Blog Spark.  Included is a backpack, recycled paper towels, multi-purpose spray cleaner, two tubs of disinfecting wipes, and a box of tissues.

I am a big fan of Seventh Generation products because they clean well and don't leave any harsh chemicals behind.  I especially love using them in my kitchen on tables and counters. 


Would you like to win one of these Seventh Generation Back-to-School Packs for your child's teacher?  You can enter by leaving a comment below this post!  You can enter up to six times!  Be sure to include your email address with each entry, so that I can contact you!

  1. Leave a comment and let us know one tip you have for keeping your kids healthy during the school year. Subscribe to Money Saving Madness via email and/or in a reader.  Then come back and leave a comment letting me know you've done so. (Do both and get two entries!)
  2. Follow me on Twitter/or Faceboook.  Then come back and leave a comment letting me know you've done so. (Do both and get two entries!)
  3. Bloggers, post about this giveaway on your blog -large or small and receive another entry!  Just leave a link to your blog post in the comments section here.
This giveaway will end on Monday, August 9th.

This giveaway is sponsored by MyBlogSpark and Seventh Generation.  I received one prize pack for my family.  All opinions of these products are my own and in my own words.

Giveaway: Seventh Generation Back-to-School PackSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


Daynene said...

Great idea would love to win one and buy a couple too!! thanks for the great tip.

Karen said...

I have taught my kids to sneeze/cough in their elbow :)

Rachelle R said...

i buy mini bottles of hand sanitizer to keep in the backpacks

Rachelle R said...

i subscribe to emails

Rachelle R said...

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Anonymous said...

Lots of orange juice!

the thrifty ba said...

nothing i do seems to keep my kids from sickness...no tips

Jenna said...

My daughter is a pro at coughing and sneezing into her elbow! Yay!

jennamanning at gmail dot com

Jenna said...

I subscribe to MSM by email. (to my hotmail email address)

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Jenna Gayle said...

Coughing in the arm really is THE best!

sara said...

I wish I had a tip for keeeping my kids from getting ill - I try not to share foods with them b/c inevitably they dont get sick but just pass the germs onto me!

Would love to win this! i havent tried out 7th generation but only use natural derivative products in my house -- we dont need any more chemicals then we are already exposed to



Anonymous said...

Load up on vitamin C, get a flu shot & plenty of purell.

TGD said...

I am a subscriber! (google reader)

TGD said...

my tip: pray! It's tough to keep kids healthy when they're around so many germs all day.

Toya said...

I voluntarily go into my kids classroom at least once a mth and wipe down all the chairs, desks and door handles with anti-bacterial wipes. I also donate hand sanitizers, disinfectant sprays and Kleenex Tissues to my kids teachers.

Great giveaway!!! Hope I win. Thanks.

Toya said...

I am a fan on FB

FruGal08 said...

Making sure the kiddies wash their hands often is a must!

FruGal08 said...

I'm already subscribed to you thru google reader!

FruGal08 said...

I also put up a blog post on your giveaway!

Judy said...

I have taught them to make hand-washing a habit. They also avoid the drinking fountains and take a personal water bottle to keep at their desk instead.

Jaime @ Like a Bubbling Brook said...

I'd love to win! My tip: I keep their sugar intake at a minimum to keep their immune systems strong.

Jaime @ Like a Bubbling Brook said...

I also subscribe via rss

Anonymous said...

I give my kids packets of hand wipes for there backpack.


Lisa said...

I always have hand sanitizer on hand, and have my little one wash her hands very frequently. Would love to share this with her classroom come fall!

Kasey P said...

My daughter is two, and goes to daycare-I'm hoping by the time she goes to elementary school she'll be immune to eveything. Our daycare is extremely clean, and disinfect daily-however I worry about the ecological impact of the cleaning supplies they are using. I'm make my own cleaning supplies at home, but this pack would be perfect for her school, and help them to try out some more eco friendly options for cleaning. I love Seventh Generation products!!!

Kasey P said...

Oh sorry, I already subscribe to your blog, and my email is

Sunnie said...

I try to get my girls washing their hands alot more.
sunniewoody plus2@msn.com

Anonymous said...

The best tip I can tell my daughter to stay healthy is to keep up with good handwashing routines

nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

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nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

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nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

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nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

Casie said...

Flu shots!!! I had my daughter done for the first time this year and they didnt get sick at all. Not even a runny nose.


Kim Woirhaye-Reid said...

I make my son wash his hands or use sanitizer after the bathroom, before eating and when he gets in the car after school. He is in PreK so there are lots of germs. And as you can tell, I am a germaphobe!


Unknown said...

Subscribed to email and liked on FB. I <3 Eco-friendly products and would love to win this!! Thanks!!

Doreen said...

Constant hand wahsing and using anti-bactial wipes after picking the kids up from an activity in the car.

Anonymous said...

I send small bottles of hand sanitizer to keep in lockers.


April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

I carry a bottle of hand sanitizer in the car so as soon as I pick them up from school they can use it on their hands. Also, you can't stress to them enough how important it is to wash their hands every chance they get at school!


April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

I'm subscribed via GFC.


Alesia said...

I send mini bottles of hand sanitizer and encourage frequent hand washing as well.

momof2cuteredheads @ hotmail . com

Toya said...

I voluntarily go into my kids classroom at least once a mth and wipe down all the chairs, desks and door handles with anti-bacterial wipes. I also donate hand sanitizers, disinfectant sprays and Kleenex Tissues to my kids teachers.

Great giveaway!!! Hope I win. Thanks.


Larena said...

I've taught my kids to wash hands often!

Amy said...

I would love a chance to win this pack. My hint...my son always come in to wash his hands FIRST when he gets into the house from school. I think this has helped a lot over the years.

Monique said...

Lots of hand sanitizer as well as washing hands frequently.


Monique said...

i also follow you on twitter


renate said...

I supply hand sanitizer, kleenex and wet ones to my sons class. His Kindergarten teacher said that armed with those there would be WAY less sickness.

renate said...

I added you on Facebook! I would LOVE that backpack for my kids and their teachers!!!!

renate said...

I have heard of Seventh generation products but not tried them. I would LOVE to!!!!!

My daugher knows that when we go into ANY restroom we wash our hands if we have been out and about. Even if we don't use the restroom-we wash our hands whenever the opportunity arises! We kill the germies! HA!

Debbie Oleisky said...

I am a teacher who encourages hand sanitizer. I follow you on facebook.


Debbie Oleisky said...

I am a teacher and I encourage the use of hand sanitizer. I follwo you on facebook.


A said...

I've taught mine to constantly wash her hands. If she can't she uses hand sanitizer.

Jenn said...

I insist that my 3yo use purell all the time! It's faster and easier than making him wash his hands!!

Jenn said...

I subscribed to your RSS feed

bettycd said...

I've tried hard to encourage handwashing - the kids do have the mini bottles of hand sanitizer. I put one of the packaged wipes when they carry a bag lunch.
tjandbcd at optonline.net

bettycd said...

email subscriber

tristatecruisers said...

i have my son use hand sanitizers alot--he even carries them in his backpack!!

bettycd said...

RSS subscriber thru google reader
tjandbcd at optonline.net

tristatecruisers said...

subscribe via e-mails :)

tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

bettycd said...

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betty dennis
tjandbcd at optonline.net

bettycd said...

following on twitter - bettycd
tjandbcd at optonline.net

sahmofthree said...
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Anonymous said...

Use only your own pencils,crayons,etc. and use the mini hand sanitizer on your bookbag!

sahmofthree said...

I use hand santizer all the time but I also try to keep my kids healthy by exercise and eating healthy. logston07@hotmail.com

sahmofthree said...

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Anonymous said...

New e-mail subcriber!

Anonymous said...

oops....new e-mail subscriber!

Carol said...

My son is a total elbow cough and sneeze kid. We always have antibacterial wipes and sing abc song while washing hands.
Thanks for the chance. We love these products!
klapat at gmail dot com

Carol said...

I am an email subscriber.
Thanks again!
klapat at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your rss feed. My boys wash there hands alot, every time when we get home, and we wipe of door handels once a week.
Love this freebie.

mary gavlik said...

as i teacher, i encourage my students to use the hand steralizer, now provided in each classrooom.

follow you on twitter

monica b. said...

try not to touch our faces and wash hands a lot
monicabozsik at yahoo dot com

Andrew Family said...

Hand washing and hand sanitizer!

Andrew Family said...

I'm a facebook fan.

bhuebhue said...

Always pack a lunch with health options and tell them to wash their hands often.
email #1 and google reader subscriber
pamelann at aol dot com

bhuebhue said...

Always pack a lunch with health options and tell them to wash their hands often.
email and google reader subscriber #2
pamelann at aol dot com

bhuebhue said...

I follow you on twitter @bhuebhue

bhuebhue said...

I am a facebook fan
Pamela M.

Anonymous said...

I keep my kids healthy by feeding them lots of fruits and veggies all the time. marystancu at yahoo dot com

judyyy said...

I make sure they eat a good breakfast and go to bed early.

Anonymous said...

follow on FB

Money Saving Maine-iac said...

Wipe down the entire phone! Big germ catcher!

Jenn said...

We all eat extra Vitiman C to help keep germs at bay.


Jenn said...

I subscribed a long time ago and enjoy your emails daily.


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Jenn said...

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Jodi said...

I have my children take vitamins daily and encourage them to wash hands or use had sanitizer frequently.

jodidawson at hotmail dot com

Jodi said...

I subscribe via email.

jodidawson at hotmail dot com

Jodi said...

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jodidawson at hotmail dot com

Jodi said...

I am a fan on fb.

jodidawson at hotmail dot com

mac bc said...

I make sure she eats a lot of fruits rich in vit C because this will boost her immune system.

Shawn said...

My tip in keeping my kiddos well is Shaklee vitamins. They really boost their immune systems! I would love to win this pack to pass on to the first grade teacher!

Shawn said...

I "like" you on Facebook!

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Boy oh Boy oh Boy! said...

We eat healthy foods and wash our hands a lot!

mypatzer at yahoo dot com

Lara said...

Wet Ones are great for keeping hands clean.

Lara said...

I'm a RSS Subscriber!

Brenda A said...

I follow you on Facebook.


amy said...

My kids wash their hands with lysol no-touch soap and dry with paper towels instead of hand towels.

amy said...

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amy said...

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Anonymous said...

I Follow Money Saving Madness on Facebook and via e-mail. I would keep my children healthy with a good diet and a good night's sleep.


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