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FREE Quart of Glidden Paint (Starts at 12:01 am May 16)

Glidden is giving away 200,000 FREE quarts of paint beginning tonight at 12:01 am!  Be one of the first 200,000 and you'll receive a completely FREE quart of paint in your mailbox!

I have participated in this deal for the last few years and love it.  There's enough paint in the can to do a small project, paint a door, some trim or anything else you can think of!

GO HERE at/after 12:01 am May 16 to get your can!

Thanks, ChiTown Cheapskate!

FREE Quart of Glidden Paint (Starts at 12:01 am May 16)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


Anonymous said... 1


Anonymous said... 2

Says I need adobe flash. I've downloaded it and after 3 times (must be the # tonight) I can't get anywhere either. Maybe just overloaded?

Money Saving Madness said... 3

I don't think it is a lie. I think the website is overloaded. It tends to happen when 100,000 people are on the site trying to sign up. They tried to minimize the problem by starting at 12:01 but they've underestimated the deal shopper in us.

Keep trying. I've gotten this every single year they've offered it.

Christina Palmer said... 4

Just got it... Thanks:)

Heather D. said... 5

If it says it needs Adobe Flash, just keep refreshing. Eventually I got to the submit order for a quart of Nautical Blue to be shipped in about 8 weeks. It does work.

Anonymous said... 6

I got mine! Thanks for sharing

Susan said... 7

I got mine and so did mom!! :O) Great freebie! Thanks!!


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