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What's for Dinner??

I really feel disorganized this week.  I am in the process of making my week's menu to get back on track.  I am a day behind.

Tonight's Meal:
Pulled Pork BBQ (crockpot)
Suddenly Salad Tomato Parm.
Fruit Bowl

What's on you menu?  Leave a comment in this post with your meal plan and email and you'll be entered to win a $5 Amazon Gift Card!

What's for Dinner??SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


Anonymous said... 1

Pork chops, asparagus, and biscuits.


momma-lana said... 2

Garden Noodles and Ham (leftover Easter ham from the freezer)
green salad


Nicki S. said... 3

Totinos party pizza! (Husband is out of town and since it's just me, I'm eating nothing but junk for dinner this week : ) )

nickir18 at hotmail dot com

Courtney said... 4

lasagne, bread sticks, maybe a steam fresh veggie bag and some fresh cut fruit - strawberry and melons.

stephanie said... 5

Kid still sick, spent Saturday in ER. Going to a specialist today. My menu planning has been out the window for the past week & we have been relying on freezer & easy stuff. Depends on how things go at the doctor. Probably take-out pizza, since my brain is not working.

s_laubach @ yahoo.com

Extraordinary Ordinary Life said... 6

Here is my menu plan for the week:

Thanks for the give-a-way.

gmoneymom @ gmail.com

J'Laine said... 7

We did a big grilling last night, so BBQ chicken tonight, with coleslaw and baked beans.


momma-lana said... 8

Sorry Stephanie :( Wish I lived nearby so I could bring you dinner :)

Laura said... 9

We are having spaghetti with meat sauce and salad.


laurasu82 at yahoo.com

Anonymous said... 10

potatoes au gratin
creamy chicken tenderloin


Karen said... 11

stuffed red and yellow peppers with kielbasa.


Jackie said... 12

I'm trying a new recipe tonight! It's BBQ Chicken Pizza Soup that I found here: http://picky-palate.com/2010/06/24/bbq-chicken-pizza-soup/

jackierwood83 at yahoo dot com

MountainMommy said... 13

I have BBQ Tofu marinating to serve with baked potatoes and salad. However, we are off schedule today and hubby is home late so we might end up with spaghetti instead.

Jennifer said... 14

Grilled hamburgers outside enjoying some family time


Rachelle R said... 15

we are having beefy macaroni made in the crock pot


Jamie said... 16

-Steak fingers
-steak fries
-carrots and grape tomatoes (my 19 month old LOVES grape tomatoes!)
-blueberries and cantaloupe

Jamie said... 17

forgot my email!

belljamieb at yahoo dot com


Joane said... 18

Tonight it was a new recipe for me...pulled BBQ Chicken in the Crock pot. Served this on whole grain buns with salad and fresh strawberries. YUMMY!!

Shalaunda said... 19

Any good recipes for pulled pork? What type of pork is best to use?

Claire said... 20

tonight we had grilled pork chops, mixed beans &carrots (birdseye frozen), field peas and breadsticks.

tues: spaghetti (half will be eaten/used for leftovers, the other half in the freezer!) with homemade cheese toast and

wednesday: grilled hamburgers

thursday: chicken chili in the crockpot (this is actually the half i put in the freezer from last time)

friday: clean out the fridge night (as always!) anything in the fridge gets pulled out and eaten up. you'd be surprised at the strange combinations lol! it's kinda like a church pot luck lol.

saturday: soup and cornbread

sunday: eat at my mom's

Claire said... 21

oops! forgot my email! clairemdrummond@hotmail.com


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